Development of “at a DIStance” COunselling Skills for professionals in the field of Counselling Women Victims of Violence or Abuse (DIS.CO.)
Project period: December 2017 – November 2019
Funding: Erasmus + programme Key Action 2

Budget: 225.805 EUR
UWAH – Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (Greece) (LP);
The Queen’s University of Belfast (United Kingdom);
University of Crete (Greece);
University of Tartu (Estonia);
Women’s Support and Information Centre (Estonia);
Mesokeleas LTD, Frederick University (Cyprus);
Nothern Ireland Rape Crisis Association (United Kingdom);
M&M Profuture Training, S.L. (Spain);
Women Against Violence Europe (Austria).
Main objectives of the Project:
• Strengthen cooperation, exchanges and networking between Partners on the topic of counselling at a distance for women victims of violence or abuse;
• Improve work-based skills of counsellors working with women victims by developing counselling at a distance skills through development and delivery of VET;
• Promote innovative practices in the field of counselling women victims and exploit ICT potential through developing/ improving ICT related skills and setting up virtual workplaces;
• Improve the capacity of participating organisations as well as other interested ones through the production and dissemination of training material and courses for staff and volunteers;
• Deliver efficient services of high quality for victims of violence or abuse in the context of victim support.
More info: https://discoprojectcom.wordpress.com/