
DAHPNE Programme

International projects funded by European Commission DAHPNE Programme where NPO Women’s Supprot and Information Center has participated:

Year Leading Partner Project Outputs
2003-2004 Women Against Violence Europe (Wienna, Austria) Away from violence – Guidelines for running and setting up a women’s refuge Instruction manual “Away from violence – Guidelines for running and setting up a women’s refuge”.
2004-2006 Univerity of Helsinki Good practices in screening of the victims of violence in intimate partnership in maternity and child welfare services Trainings, developing a manual „How to help a family where occurs violence – instructions for healthcare workers“ in Estonian.
2005-2006 Women Against Violence Europe (Austria) Bridging Gaps – From good intentions to good co-operation Trainings, developing a manual „Bridging gaps. From good intentions to good cooperation”.
2005-2006 Terapeutische Frauenberatung (Göttingen, Germany) Join the Net II. Domestic violence and PTSD Study film on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and intimate relationship violence in Estonian
2007 Women Against Violence Europe (Austria) IMPROVE – Quality services for victims of domestic violence Two international trainings and translation of instruction manual „Away from violence“
2008 Terapeutische Frauenberatung (Göttingen, Germany) JoinTheNet IV – Dissemination of material for education and training on health symptoms caused by violence (PTSD) Extending the European Trauma Network and developing a thematic website in Estonian.
2007-2009 NANE Women’s Right Association (Budapest, Hungary) “Survivors speak up for their dignity” – supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence Developing a manual regarding supportgroups and translating it into Estonian.
2010-2011 Terapeutische Frauenberatung (Göttingen, Germany) Back up the children Developing a training manual and providing trainings.
2013-2014 Romanian Society for Life-long Learning (Rumenia) WOM-POWER Empowering women to fight against domestic violence through an integrated model of training, support and counselling Main goal of the project is to empower women to protect themselves from violence.
2017-2018 NPO Women’s Support and Information Centre (Estonia) “WHOSEFVA –Working with Healthcare Organizations to Support Elderly Female Victims of Abuse” www.whosefva-gbv.eu Training Manual to train domestic violence organizations on how best to work with healthcare providers. Online training programme.


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