

Training to Identify and Support Older Victims of Abuse (TISOVA) projects seeks to train caregivers and older people so they can identify and provide assistance to elderly victims of abuse.

Project period: 1.09.2017 – 31.08.2020

5 partners: 

Women’s Support and Information Centre (Estonia)
Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (Greece)
Voimaa Vanhuuteen – osk Voiva – Empowering Old Age Coop (Finland)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Women Against Violence Europe (Austria)


– to train workers/volunteers of senior centers and older people to identify and provide assistance to elderly victims of abuse.

– to design an interactive training programme that provides active and innovative learning opportunities to educate key groups about violence against older people, especially women

– to strengthen the capacity of those who work with the elderly (such as at senior centers) to respond to specific needs of older women victims

– to contribute to a better understanding of the experiences and needs of elderly (female) victims of domestic violence and to empower them to seek assistance or take other action to break the cycle of violence

– to contribute to stakeholders’ implementation of elder abuse policu into practice, especially in relation to gender specific issues.


Target groups – 3 subgroups of people involved in the functioning of senior centres and day centres and interacting with seniors on a continuous basis:

– workers of senior centres, day centres, day groups etc;

– volunteers, involved in the above activities;

– seniors themselves.

Main outcomes:

*IO1 An analytical report on the experiences of female elderly victims of abuse and state practices targeted at them;

*IO2 A training/intervention programme on how to identify and provide support to older victims of abuse. The training programme will be administered twice each in Finland, Estonia and Greece reaching at least 120 people;
TISOVA Training Handbook for Professionals, Volunteers and Older People 

Also available in Estonian, German and Greek.

*IO3 Online Educational Program (MOOC), based on training program reaching at least 200 participants and available on projects webpage after the project end.

Online course available at: https://fasaproject.eu/moodle310/enrol/index.php?id=3

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