

Towards a CHILD-friendly legal Order for Fair Justice Provision

The CHILD Project is working to create a more child-friendly legal system for children who have experienced violence. The project aims to improve how professionals like police, prosecutors, judges, lawyers, and victim support services work together to help these children.

Key Goals:

  • Analyze Professional Needs: To understand what professionals need to better support child victims and witnesses.
  • Develop a Handbook: Create a guide for professionals on how to work with children in a way that is sensitive to their needs.
  • Provide Training: Offer training sessions to help professionals implement the handbook and improve their skills.
  • Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between different agencies involved in child protection.
  • Advocate for Change: Push for changes in laws and policies to better protect children.

By addressing these goals, the CHILD Project hopes to make the legal system a safer and more supportive place for children who have been harmed.

Project Partners:
Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture (Greece) – lead partner
Women’s Support and Information Centre NPO (Estonia)
Ghent University (Belgium)
Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters (Austria)
Universidad Carlos III De Madrid (Spain)
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family – APHVF/SPAVO (Cyprus)
Una Casa per l’Uomo Societa Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
Directia de Asistenta Sociala si Medicala (Romania)

The project is co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union.

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